Lançamento do “Ambiente na Europa – Estado e Perspetivas para 2015” – SOER 2015


                                           THE EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT STATE AND OUTLOOK 2015

                                                                          Lisbon, 19th June 2015


Venue – Sala “O Século”, Rua de O Século, 63


10h00- 11h00

Secretary of State of Environment: Welcome address (10’)

Nuno Lacasta: The Portuguese State of the Environment Report and its relation to the SOER 2015 (20’)

Ivone Martins: State of Nature in EU (20’)

Moderator: Alexandra Carvalho, Secretary General

11h00 – 11h20m Coffee break

Hans Bruyninckx: The SOER 2015 in a Green Economy Context (45’)

Minister Jorge Moreira da Silva: From assessment to action – the Portuguese Green Growth Commitment (30’)


Moderator: Alexandra Carvalho, Secretary General


12h30m Presentation of a video “Environment Tomorrow – Green rEvolution”, room SIGMA

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